Tally Erp 9 Gst Download Tutorial Software Updated FREE

Tally Erp 9 Gst Download Tutorial Software

With the GST implementation, various bookkeeping software such equally ClearTax and Tally are available to help you prepare your books in alignment with GST rules. In this article, we will guide yous how to utilise Tally ERP 9. Release 6 for GST. You can too integrate your Tally ERP 9 solutions with ClearTax GST. In social club to employ Tally, a user must create a company on Tally, enable the GST features and create the necessary ledgers. Let's check them out in particular.

How to create a company

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Alt + F3 > Create Company
  • Enter the basic information, i.due east., name, mailing proper name and address of the company, currency symbol etc.
  • In the 'maintain field', select Accounts Only or Accounts with Inventory as per the visitor requirements.
  • In the Financial Year from, the outset 24-hour interval of the current financial year for eastward.g., ane-four-2017 volition be displayed by default, which can be inverse every bit per requirement.
  • Enter the Tally Vault Password if required.
  • Printing Y or Enter to take and save.
Steps Actions Instructions to be followed
Stride 1 To open Tally Software Double click on Tally icon from your desktop.
Step two To go to Create Company Screen To do this Select Create company from the Visitor Info. Menu using up and down arrow fundamental and printing Enter Key.
Step 3 To fill up up the Details in Company Creation Screen In this company creation screen, you should enter all the details of the company that you been asked for.

Details to be filled in the company creation screen


It is nothing but the data storage location. The tally directory will shop all data you entered in Tally ERP 9. Anyhow, by default, the information storage will be inside the installation folder.


In this field, we are required to blazon the name of the visitor, for case. XYZ INC.

Primary mailing details

  • Mailing name
    In this field, we are required to type the name of the company, for example. XYZ INC.
  • Address
    In this information field, we are required to enter the address of the company.
  • Country
    Hither nosotros are required to select the country from the listing in which the business Operates.
  • Country
    In this data field, we accept to select the state in which we would comply with statutory laws
  • Pincode
    Pincode of the location where the office exists.

Contact details

  • Phone no
    Enter the Company contact number which nosotros would similar to display on Invoices
  • Mobile no
    Enter the Contact number of Managing Person to whom any queries related to Invoicing or Delivery of production, complaint in the production could exist reached to
  • Fax No
    Enter the Fax number to which any confirmation statements, ledger copies etc., could exist sent and received
  • E-mail
    Enter the visitor's email address to which whatever product inquiry and other communications could exist fabricated.
  • Website
    Enter the visitor's web accost if any

Books and financial twelvemonth details

  • The financial year begins from
    In this information field, you have to blazon the financial year in which y'all want to create a company. Suppose yous may be starting a company on 1st December 2018, you lot should enter the fiscal year from 01.04.2018.
  • Book beginning from
    In this data field, you lot take to type the financial twelvemonth in which y'all desire to create a visitor. Suppose you may exist starting a company on 1st December 2018, you should enter the financial year from 01.04.2018.
    • Starting in the middle of the financial twelvemonth.
    • Companies that are migrating from Manual Bookkeeping to Tally ERP 9 in the middle of the financial year.

Security control

  • Tally Vault password (if any)
    This information filled is for security purposes. By enabling this field, Tally ERP nine Convert tally data into an encrypted format. To encrypt means convert data from recognised format to unrecognised format.
    By entering the Tally Vault password nosotros tin can prevent unauthorized access to company data. Now in Latest Tally ERP nine, There is a password force indicator, which will assistance you to set a potent password. Red colour indicates a weak password whereas peach-orange colour: fair, Yellow is skillful and Green colour indicates a strong password.
    Caution: Forgetting Tally vault password will render the data inaccessible

Use security command?

Enabling this data field, we will become complete command over the data, we can assign users for specific purposes, for instance:

  • Nosotros can assign data entry operators who tin access just voucher entry screens.
  • We tin assign billing clerks who can access only the Sales invoice voucher
  • We can assign Financial managers who can access fiscal data and reports as the administrator controls his access.

In this data field, we will be asked the ambassador proper name and countersign.

Base currency information

  • Base currency symbol
    In this information field, the currency symbol of the country is auto-selected based on the country of origin fed by you in the previous information field. There is no demand to modify this information field if you are using the same currency for accounting.
  • Formal proper noun
    This is the formal name of the currency selected in the previous field
  • Suffix symbol to amount?
    This data field will ask you whether a currency symbol is required for example: prior to an amount like Rs. four,500
  • Add together infinite betwixt amount and symbol?
    This data field is similar Rs. 4,500 space in between currency symbol and corporeality.
  • Show corporeality in millions?
    If we set up this data field to Yes, Tally volition brandish the amount in millions that are in the Balance canvas or other reports. The corporeality for example 100,00,000 will exist shown equally ten. [One one thousand thousand equals 10,00,000].
  • Number of decimal places
    Information technology is a general practice to use 2 decimal places, for instance :
    • for using Paisa in Indian currency nosotros use 2 decimal identify.
    • for using cents in American dollar currency we use two decimal places
  • Word representing the amount after decimal
    This information field is used in printing, in Indian currency decimal portion is said to be Paisa. Set this field as per your formal proper noun of the decimal value in your currency. For USD information technology is cents. Hundred cents make 1 dollar.
  • Number of decimal places for the amount in words
    If we set this data field to one decimal places in Indian currency, then while press 75 Paisa. Volition print equally seventy Paisa, if we ready this to 2 decimal places, then it volition print the second fraction like seventy-five Paisa.

To save the details entered in the company creation screen
If yous have entered all the details and after verifying it seems to be right, then yous accept to accept the screen by pressing Enter and once again Enter to accept and salve the details.

Note: If we have enabled the Tally Vault password, then in the next screen it will inquire the Name of the user and Password details. Afterward entering these details, Tally ERP ix will create a company and direct you lot to the Menu Gateway of Tally Where you can create masters and enter transactions.

Enabling GST features in Tally

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > F3: Statutory & Revenue enhancement
  2. On the screen yous volition notice the post-obit option :
  3. Enable goods and service taxation (GST): Aye
  4. Prepare/alter GST Details: Yeah.
  • This will display some other screen where you can set GST details of the company such equally the state in which the company is registered, registration type, GSTIN number etc.
  • Press Y or Enter to accept and save.

To use Tally.ERP 9 for GST compliance, you need to actuate the GST feature. Once activated, GST-related features are bachelor in ledgers, stock items, and transactions, and GST returns tin can be generated.

Activate GST for Regular Dealers

1. Open up the company for which you need to actuate GST.

2. Press F11 > F3.

Guide to use Tally

iii. Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST) Yeah.

four. Gear up/change GST details Yes. The GST Details screen appears.

5. State – shows the Land proper noun as selected in the Company Creation screen. This helps in identifying local and interstate transactions according to the political party's state.

The Country can exist changed in the GST Details screen and this alter will affect the company master. Once the visitor's state is changed the existing transactions will have an effect. To inform users of this result, a warning message appears when the land proper name is changed.

Guide to use Tally

6. Set the Registration blazon as Regular.

7. Set the option Assessee of Other Territory to Yes , if your business unit is located in the Sectional Economic Zone (another territory).

8. Specify GST Applicable from date. GST will be applicable for your transactions from this date onwards.

9. Specify the GSTIN/UIN for the business. This can be printed in the invoices as required. You can specify this afterwards.

10. Select the Periodicity of GSTR1 as Monthly or Quarterly, based on your business turnover.

11. The option eastward-Way Bill applicative is set to Yeah, with the Applicative from the date and Threshold limit.

12. Select the value to be considered for e-Way Bill for the selection Threshold limit includes.

13. Prepare the pick Applicative for intrastate to Yes, if it applies to your State and enter the Threshold limit.

Notation: Boosted fields may appear for few states depending on the statutory needs of that country, such as:

(ane) Kerala: The fields Kerala Flood Cess applicable? and Applicable from appearing for companies with Kerala as State and Regular as Registration type in Release half-dozen.5.three and subsequently versions.

(2) Ladakh: As Ladakh has been separated from Jammu & Kashmir and awarded the status of Spousal relationship Territory, yous tin specify the new GST registration number assigned for Ladakh in GSTIN/UIN field and the existing registration number in the GSTIN/UIN (prior to 1st January 2020).

(three) Jammu & Kashmir: In instance GST dealers in Jammu and Kashmir are required to get a new GST registration, you lot tin can specify the new GSTIN in the GSTIN/UIN field. The existing GSTIN can be specified in the GSTIN/UIN (prior to 1st Jan 2020) field, which can exist enabled using the Show GSTIN/UIN (prior to 1st Jan 2020) for Jammu and Kashmir option in F12: Configure. The majority of the businesses will not crave new registration and they tin continue with their existing GSTIN/UIN.

(4) Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu: The proper name of the new matrimony territory Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu is provided in Release half-dozen.half-dozen.3. All masters with Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are automatically updated with the proper name of the new union territory. You have to manually specify the new GSTIN/UIN. In case y'all desire to view land/union territory and GSTIN/UIN of the company before the merger, you tin enable the option Show state and GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) for Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu nether F12: Configure.

The fields Land (before reorganisation) and GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) are displayed with the details specified earlier the reorganisation. The GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) does not announced if the pre-merger UT was Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

14. Set the option Enable tax liability on advance receipts to Yes to activate calculation of taxation liability on advance receipts. This option is disabled by default.

fifteen. Set the option Enable taxation liability on contrary accuse (Purchase from unregistered dealer) to Yes to activate calculation of tax liability on a reverse charge on URD purchases. This option is disabled by default.

xvi. Enable the option Set/alter GST rate details? to enter the GST details at the company level.

17. Set the selection Enable GST Nomenclature? to Yes, to create and utilize the classifications in the GST Details screen of masters.

18. Set the selection Provide LUT/Bail details? to Yes, to enter the LUT/Bond No., and Validity period.

Guide to use Tally

nineteen. Press Enter to save.

Actuate GST for Limerick Dealers

i. Open the visitor for which y'all need to activate GST.

2. Press F11 > F3.

Guide to use Tally

3. Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST) Yeah.

4. Set/alter GST details Yes.

5. The State field helps in identifying local and interstate transactions co-ordinate to the party'due south state. If y'all modify the country here, the company details will go updated.

Note: The proper noun of the new matrimony territory Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu is provided in Release 6.six.three. All masters with Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are automatically updated with the name of the new union territory. In instance yous desire to view land/union territory and GSTIN/UIN of the company before the merger, y'all can enable the option Bear witness state and GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) for Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu nether F12: Configure.

The fields State (before reorganisation) and GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) are displayed with the details specified before the reorganisation. The GSTIN/UIN (before reorganisation) does non announced if the pre-merger UT was Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

6. Set the Registration type as Composition.

vii. Set the option Assessee of Other Territory to Yep, if your business unit in located in the Exclusive Economic Zone (another territory).

8. Specify GST Applicable from date. GST limerick volition exist applicative for your transactions from this appointment onwards.

9. Specify the GSTIN/UIN for the business. This can be printed in the invoices as required. You tin specify this after.

10. Tax rate for taxable turnover appears equally 1%. This rate is applied to your transactions to arrive at the taxable value.

Note: If yous are changing the registration type from regular to composition, the applicability date of GST regular registration will be retained. You can change the appointment as required.

11. Based on your business type, select the Basis for taxation calculation. For outward supplies, the total of taxable, exempt and cypher rated will be considered as the Taxable Value. For inward supplies, the total value of purchases made nether reverse charge will exist considered as the Taxable Value.

Guide to use Tally

Taxable, Exempt and Nil rated values – the revenue enhancement will exist calculated on the:

  • Full of taxable, exempt and zero rated sales.
  • Full of purchases attracting reverse charge.

● Taxable – the tax will be calculated on the:

  • Full of only the taxable sales.
  • Total of purchases attracting contrary charge.

Click L: Tax Rate History to provide the history of Tax Rates with the corresponding Applicative From date and Ground for Revenue enhancement Calculation, as shown in the following example:

Guide to use Tally

12. The choice e-Manner Pecker applicable is fix to Yep, with the Applicable from date and Threshold limit.

xiii. Select the value to exist considered for e-Way Nib for the selection Threshold limit includes.

14. Fix the option Applicable for intrastate to Yes, if information technology applies to your State and enter the Threshold limit.

15. Set the choice Enable tax rate for purchase (Includes purchases nether reverse accuse) to:

Yes, to enter the GST rate in the ledgers and stock items for calculating GST in transactions.

No, to specify the GST rates in each transaction for calculating GST.

16. Printing Enter to salvage.

You can record transactions using the ledgers with GST details, and print invoices with GSTIN.

Steps for Ledger Cosmos

After creating a company and activating GST features, y'all need to create ledgers that volition enable yous to pass accounting entries in Tally. Here are the post-obit steps :

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create
  • Enter the Name for the ledger you want to create such as purchase, sales, state tax, cardinal tax, integrated tax, stock detail names etc.
  • Select the appropriate grouping to which such ledger belongs for example state tax under duties and taxes group.
  • Enter the other related information required and press Y or Enter to accept and save.

After having done the to a higher place three steps, y'all can beginning entering bookkeeping entries in Tally. For this, Get to Gateway of Tally >Accounting Vouchers. There are many accounting Vouchers in Tally such as Payment, Receipt, Contra, Sales, Purchase, etc. Cull the relevant Voucher and start passing the accounting entries.

In instance you want to create GST compliant invoices and file accurate GST returns, and so use ClearTax GST. This software easily integrates with Tally, Excel & other accounting software. You can import invoice level data for Sales & Purchase in the ClearTax software and then information technology will car calculate the data values to be filled on diverse tables of GSTR  forms like GSTR-one, GSTR 3B, GSTR-6 and and then on.

It automatically populates all the data & performs a validation check to make sure the return is mistake-free. Yous can download our Desktop App for filing GST Returns from Tally with a unmarried click!

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Tally Erp 9 Gst Download Tutorial Software


Source: https://cleartax.in/s/basic-guide-to-use-tally-erp-9-release-6-for-gst

Posted by: willisthisn1965.blogspot.com
